Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mark and the Grandkids Fishing


 and playing in the water!

Going Through Our Favorite State

 Driving through Colorado we saw a lot of streams and Mark wanted to stop and fish, but we didn't .

 This was neat with the clouds hanging over the mountains.

 Before we even made it home we had to stop and get his fishing lic. for Pennsylvania!
 We got in on Saturday night, went to church on Sunday, went through the shed to find what we needed for living at camp for 3 months, then he went fishing. Monday morning he got up early and went again. My dad and I went to find him and got these pictures.
 He did get one!

I got to see what I went to see. an eagle!
Thank you Jesus!

Our last days in New Mexico

 This sign was a bittersweet to Mark and I. Yes, we were happy we would be spending 3months close to family(specially when the new grand baby comes). BUT!
 We had to leave many Navajo friends behind, and that was very hard,
specially this family, The NezBegay's
 The last week Mark helped Emerson put a fence up for Samson, Since Mark or Napi wasn't going to be there to keep an eye on Samson.
We thank God for our year in New Mexico. We hope it is in His will that we can to back sometime to help our Navajo friends.

Our Last Sunset in New Mexico

 This was our last night in New Mexico and God gave us a great sunset.
 Some times you just can't get the pictures as the real thing.
Thank you God for Sunsets and Sunrises!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Water In New Mexico

This is another place we wanted to see before we left!
New Mexico really does have water, you just have to look for it!

This dam is about 1 1/2 hours away from where we lived.
The large crop farm I talked about before NAPI(and where Napi the dog got her name from), canals water from this lake down to irrigated the crops!

I have no idea how this picture happen.
Mark must have his eyes on Jesus!

 Are these New Mexico geese or to lazy to fly to Canada?

 This is the stream below the dam.
You can only fly fish!

 Mark was wishing that was him (the guy fishing).


 We also found some big trees!

I know alot of different pictures this time, then normal!