Monday, August 27, 2012

Update on the Green headache!

Mark and I are now calling the house, on the mission that is being done over, the Green Headache! Some don't play well with others. So please keep this project in your prayers.
Keith and Gerimaiha adding on to the little porch for the washer and dryer.

Keith being Keith!

Gerimaiha is doing community work. Not because be got into trouble. He is going to college and the Tribe will pay for it but he needs to do some community.

Yes, when Keith is helping it is level.


Mark is helping too, but he is the one who took time out to take the pictures!
And as you can see these two are not the one who "Doesn't play well with others."
This next pictures are of Gerimiaha 's little baby boy Anthony.

Mark still has the touch!

Maybe I do too!

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