Sunday, November 4, 2012

Some of our struggles.

As you can tell we are back in New Mexico.

I had said when I started blogging I would share prayer request, struggles, praise, what God is doing, and etc. So here are some of our struggles, and there has been a lot lately. We know we are doing what God wants us to because we sure have been under attack from the evil one.

I had told you about the book God had led us to about Miracles. We did not get the miracle we had wanted for Marco and Leah while we were home but, that was our time not God's timing. We know He is in control. We did see other miracles while we were home and we praise God for that. So going home was a struggle and leaving to come back out was, also. God was with us each step of the way.

We have only been back in New Mexico for 10 days. Boy, we are under attack, but we are turning to God each step of the way.  Through being there for one another, reading God's word, devotions, songs, good friends and family who encourage us. Yes, we have been disappointed (with tears), angry(but did not hold on to it), and today (November 4) a native friend finished the race and is standing in heaven, cancer free and no more pain.

Our disappointment was that we will probably won't be going to Alamosa,Co. God must have another place he wants us at.

The anger was not being understood, and with just coming back and made to feel like Mark had to get everything done, NOW.

Now you probably think there will be no pictures with this post, but I thought these fits in nicely!

God has been giving us some beautiful sunrises!
His way of saying, a new day, a new start!
 One day at a time!
Step by step He leads us!
 He will never leave us or forsake us!
God is in control, nothing is to big for him!
This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!
 In quietness and trust is your strength.
The sunrise this morning
November 4

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