Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our Next Stop..... It Will Surprise You!!

So a lot of you are wondering were we are now. We thought we were going to Americus, GA but that didn't work out. Then we thought we were going to Tucson, AZ, but again that is not where God wanted us. He wanted us to come home. So we are home, dealing with our son, our stuff molded while in storage, the farm being sold to my niece and her husband, finding a job, excepting what God wants for us.
Thank you for all your support, both in prayer and financial. Please keep us in your prayers as we adjust, it has not been easy, but we were never promised it would be only that He would never leave us, and he hasn't. Praise God!

So this will be my last post. If you want to keep in touch just email me.
 I just want to give all the Glory To God!

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