Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Christmas in July

Mark and I are spending a couple days with my brother, Merrill. Mark is doing some MDS work for him. Each morning after we all have had our breakfast (some earlier than others), we go for a walk. The first morning we came home with a little puppy, she followed us home.
 The next morning while walking, Mark noticed some tree he thought we should dig up and transplant. As it was, we were planning to go to town for a few things and so a spade shovel was added to the list.
This morning as we head out for our walk with shovel in hand, I asked, "What is today date?"  We all started laughing when we realized it was July 25!!!! Ta Da Christmas in July!!!!

Merrill even dressed the part!

Merrill had the song "Feliz Navidad" on his phone, so we even had Christmas music!

You never know what us 3 will come up with, it can also happen when Mary Lee (my sister) is with us, too.

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