Sunday, July 8, 2012


Last Saturday, Mark and I attended a wedding. This was not a traditional Navajo wedding.
 The Bride and Groom are Trudy and Lyman.
The happy couple.
 Mark got to know Lyman from patching and changing tires.
Notice the boots!
The floor is vinyl, good thing they through the rice in the church.

It was not her dad, who gave her away, but he was at the wedding.
Not sure about it and didn't feel right asking about it.

Trying to put the ring on.

 Something are just the same!
The kiss!



His saddle
Looks like someone else wedding?

Her saddle
Does the branding idea looks like another wedding?

a better picture of the groomsmen

I thought this idea was neat. It's just hot glue dripped, to make it look like moisture.

Trudy and Lyman dancing.

You could tell he likes to dance.
Reminded me of someone else, Jamie Lee!

Please pray for them, us married folks know its not easy.

I need to remember, Thou shall not convent thy neighbor's blanket!

But it is

We had a great time.
 One of the things they did different, was they were one of the first one to the reception and greeted the guest there.
Another was it just wasn't the best man but all the groomsmen gave a little talk.
The groomsmen also handed out the cake.
The bridesmaids help unwrapped the gifts and handed them to Trudy so she could say what it was and who it was from.
So I'm not sure if these difference are Navajo or just how Trudy and Lyman wanted their wedding.
It was Beautiful!

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