Friday, June 29, 2012

Closing for VBS

Here are somethings that the VBS's kids ask about during our time of skyping.

The Hogan  at the mission.

The Hogan can be 6,8,10 sided, or round. The door always faces east.

In the back ground you can see a Mesa, (flat mountain). Do you remember what Mesa means?
flat like a table

One of our neigbor's !

A calf

A bunny out side our door.
Not much for him to eat. No grass or clover.



sage bush

lots of sage

And more sage!

This plant is use to make Navajo tea!

Navajo bread (fryed bread)!

The playground


 granddaughter - Rachel

grandaughter - Jessie

grandson - Caleb & daughter - Lacey

 Son - Marco

Son - Jamie Lee

We want to thank our home church's VBS for the money they raised this week for us. They raised enough for us to stay another month. We had a great time skyping with them and answering their questions. We had a great week and I hope you' all did too.
God Bless you'all! and remember what you learn this week in Bible School and live it!

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