Monday, June 25, 2012


We feel very blessed to have a little home of our very own.  I never thought I would every get to live in an Adobe.  It is small, but we only brought 4 suitcases of stuff so we have enough room.  Besides God always gives us what we need.

 Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

 I know this is your Bible verse for today.   When Michelle sent us the themes for each day of your Bible School, this was the same verse used in our sermon that very Sunday. We also had talked about that verse during staff meeting. When God show you a bible verse 3 times by 3 differnt people, it is best you take notice.  Mark and I are claiming this verse to live by.

Welcome to our Adobe!

31 feet x 15 feet

Yes, we have no grass!

But we do have 3 trees!

This "window" shows what is behind the sheet rock!

I know the curtains don't match the wall, however, I am planning on taking care of it, sometime.

The Garden

There was one raised bed made when we arrived, but we decided to make another one.  Next year we are planning to build more.

Mark's turquoise!

Growing a garden out here has been very different than what we are accustom to in PA. Out here we need wind breakers or barriers. The wind can be up to 40 - 50 miles per hour. We also have to use a soaker hose and water morning and evening. The average rain fall is 6 inch of rain a year.( How many inches of rain did you get during the flood last September?) We are also watering some with manure tea.

We want to thank Risso's Greenhouse out in Avis, PA for donating these plants. We brought these plants on the plane as a carry on! Thank you so much!

We will keep you updated on how our garden in the dessert is going, even though I'm not "Mary, Mary, quit contrary!"

Jesus knows what we need and will provide what's best for us.

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