Sunday, June 24, 2012


God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Psalm 46:1

Mark and I find our refuge and strength through daily quiet time, attending worship service, and through our church family.

We thought a good place to start would be an introduction of what it is like at "The First Gathering" - the name of the church here on the mission.

This video displays a typical worship service.  You will notice a traditional Native American drum being used throughout the service.  Compare the seating arrangement at this service to your home church.

All the drummers in this video, except one, still attend and drum every Sunday.  I also wanted you to know how the drum was played and sounded. This was a special event the mission was having. Typically there are not that many white folks attending the church service.

This is what church looks like on any given Sunday. Church starts at 1:30pm and lasts until 3:00pm with a potluck dinner afterwards.

Sage is burned every Sunday in this copper bowl-like stand.  Like in the Old Testament, the prayers go up with the smoke.

The drum is covered when its is not being used. The Navajo treat it like a Grandfather: with respect and honor; he might be cold, etc.

This is how we receive the offering.  We pass clockwise and don't double back to our seat.

This past Sunday, we had a baptism.

Compare this baptism with the practice at your church.

Jesus gives us peace, no matter what problem we face.

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