Monday, June 4, 2012

A Different Memorial Day....PLus

At our last staff meeting Mark was told that on Monday, Memorial Day, he would need to be available to top off the graves. Very different then in PA, but then again no green grass out here either. The following pictures will show you the differences.

Some have dirt that are about 4 feet above the ground. They would take off the old plastic flowers and put on new. The following pictures are what they took off.

Plus this!

The Blog was down for a week. It would not let me post. I tried to tell them about it but got nowhere. So I prayed about it and the Lord answered my prayers! Thank you Jesus!

So to add to this on Friday we had a funnel here at the mission. It was very long. 9:30am - 5:00pm. They would say things in Navajo then in English. Of course somehow Mark always gets involved. Some ask for a cordless drill, so Mark went to get his. Then he was ask to drill the lid on the casket(That is what he heard). What they really wanted was to screw the top on the vault (it was OSB board not cement like at home). So at the grave site they put the vault in, but the top, then the casket, then the top, then Mark got in and put 22 screw in the top of it(that's how many they gave him).
After that was done, then they started to fill the grave in by hand using 4 shovels. We had heard the Navajo way is this: Everyone stays at the grave site until it is all filled in by hand(shovel). Mark was talking to the guys who had dug the grave and said he could help with a power shovel(tractor). The guy said," Would you, being your day off?" Mark said sure but he did want to offend the family. So the guy went and ask the family and they said, "Sure".
Its was deep!

Alot of dirt to move by hand!

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