Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Orchard

When we was told about this position at the mission, we were told they had an orchard that is water by satellite. All kinds of questions went through our minds and everyone we told about this. Well now that we are here we can answer some of those question, but still have many to be answer.

Mark has dug a ditch to be cement for the gate to rest on
The orchard had 2 grape vines, 1 Li Jujbe(have no idea what this is), 1 Rio Oso Gem Peach, 1 All in one Almond, 1 smokey Service Berry, 1 Mt. Royal Prune(I thought plums dried, made prunes), 2 Bali Cherry, 2 Montmorency Cherry, 1 Honey Crisp Apple, 4 Golden Delicious, 4 Red Delicious, 2 Bartlett, 2 Chinese Apricot, 1 20th Century Asian Pear, and 4 dead trees. Only the almond and the Apricot has any on them!

Last fall they put the fence up because the deer was very hard on the trees.

This is the best tree. I think it got extra water from the raised beds!

Not all the trees are doing great. We didn't think you wanted to see dead trees. The water system is giving Mark a real headache! After a month of trial and error, he thinks all trees are now getting water. But the satellite is not working, it's Mark, who turn the water on for 90 minutes in the evening and in the morning. The guy who has this system sat up, lives in Calf. and is to show up sometime around the 4 of July. I hope we still have some trees living.

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