Saturday, June 16, 2012

First Team

The first team for this year can under AIM(adventures in missions). The project leader came from Minnessssssota, Rachel. And the team came from Arkansas, youth leaders and their youth group. Total of 13 people. They did something different, they had a youth group for the kids out here Monday through Wednesday. Thursday was Family Night. Friday night it was Mission staff appreciation supper.

They would start with playing basket ball. That way as teens came they could just join right in!

Sometimes there would be to many so they would line up and take turns shooting the basket.

Some would just watch. Or they might be taking a break.

Then they would have what they called "Circle Time" I don't know if they realize that fit into the culture, being a circle, I think that was God at work!

Each night they would have a different topic they would talk about.: Like Friends, Family, and I forget the third.

We had a great turn out. Ever night more would come.

Tammy and Rachel

Then they would eat!

   I was ask to cook Monday - Wednesday.
 Monday was Mark's Pizza, Lettuce w/dressing that came from my Grandma, Aunt Lou, and Mom. Also some ice cream w/toppings! Tuesday we had Taco and Watermelon! Wednesday was Lasagna, green bean casserole, garlic bread, and Marco's Chocolate Chip cookies.

                                          Then on Thursday night they had family night.

The Team also put on a very meaningful skit.

This is Guy, he is a walking I-pod. He knows so many song, even ones you would not think some one his age would know. He came with the team. We at the mission want to keep all of them. They were GREAT!

Here is how their day went:
By 9:00 up, breakfast, quiet time, and ready for Mark to give them something to do.
9:00 to 11:30 they worked cleaning up the cemetery, playground, weeded around some of the buildings, pick up old fencing and moved it, changed some washer around, switch two air conditioners, and went rock climbing.(Not all in one morning, but all in 5 days)
11:30 to 2:15 They would go to a boarding school nearby and help with lunches and anything else that needed done.
2:15 to 3:30 break(I think)
4:00 to 8:00 Youth group for the community and help clean up
After that I don't know I went home.

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