Monday, February 25, 2013

Baby Rag Quilt

 Teaching the Navajo ladies how to quilt has not worked out. The timing is just not right. I don't think it was in God's plan. I know sometimes that is how it works out.
Sorry, I have gotten sidetrack from blogging this past week.
But I got the sewing bug!
Our daughter, Lacey is having a baby in July. I figured is was time to make this one a rag quilt. As I was cutting out the squares, I remember I had a little great-nephew that was born just a little while ago. So I thought I better get his done, too.
You have all ready seen his picture, but here it is again.
 This is the making of Jasper's quilt!

 This way I will remember I made it in New Mexico!
Jasper's Daddy and Grandpa raises pigs.
 I was so happy when I found this material. It just fit!

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