Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Lights IN New Mexico

Coming from the East, you wonder: How do you do Christmas in the Desert? Do Christmas light look different? Would they look right? Well did I get a surprise and I want to share only a very small part of it! As you will see it's one of those things you just have to experience it. So come and visit us.
 These are for Jessie and Rachel!
 My butterflies!

Caleb, you know what this is!


The school on the mission went on a field trip and ask me to go with.


 Bee hive!
Of course you need red chilies, if you are doing Christmas lights in New Mexico!
I didn't get any pictures but some of the buildings have these along the top of the buildings. It looks very neat, very southwestern! I guess you can do it if you have flat roofs.


 Sorry its blurry!

This was the one that didn't make sense but neat all the same!


 I loved the Sunflowers!

 Sorry this is blurry but they even did the bamboo!

No! This is not at the Mission. The field trip was to Albuquerque to the botanical gardens! There is so much more, like a train, just to much for pictures. 
This gives a whole new meaning to Christmas Lights!


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