Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!
This has been a very different Christmas, but what should we expect, we are in a different state, different culture, and just plain differnt.
There was no advent, which I didn't think I would miss,but I did.
No one around us has the Christmas Joy, Christmas Hope, and Christmas Love.
Mark and I did enjoy getting food and wood for Gwen.
(even if we did get into trouble for it)
I'm am glad our Hope, Joy, and Love is in the Lord!
He had our Christmas Eve covered. We are having a white Christmas and Merrill has some friends that invited us over and we had a Christmas Eve service.
It was great!
I'm also happy we are only three and a half hours away from Merrill. We can a least be with family!
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Thank you for your prayers!

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