Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our First Snow in New Mexico

Here in New Mexico they did have snow back around Mark's Birthday when we were in Arizona. So this is not the first snow for New Mexico. But it is Mark and I's first snow in New Mexico. Mark and I would probably be doing our tradition, that start back in Lancaster when the kids had a snow day. We would make homemade donut then deliver them to the neighbor. I got the stomach bug on Friday night and still not total back to normal. So that is why we aren't making donuts. I''m sure we will have more snow later, then we will follow tradition.
Mark was busy with the camera this time.

I think it really snowed more but the wind is so strong it blew in into the next chapter house!(the reservation is divide up into sections called chapter houses)
Some of you are probably surprised we get snow in New Mexico. It is because we are at 7000 ft elevation. We are in the desert but it is considered the high desert.
But Mark and I LOVE snow so we are happy!
If the wind stops blowing we are going for a 4-wheeler ride. I need to get some fresh air.

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