Thursday, December 13, 2012

School Bus

 I know it doesn't look like a school bus. But, we are in New Mexico, on the Mission, travel on the reservation. Ad use to drive the kids back and forth from school until he got a new job coaching and sub-teaching at a different school. So guess who's job it is now?  Mark's
 Sorry,(Not really) the sunny is shining most of the time!

 Can you tell no inspection? What a pain to drive!
And 20 years old!

 Yes, Napi goes with Mark most of the time.
Didn't know if you could see this in the other picture?
There are 5 girls that come to school that Mark buses around. Only 2 are sisters. Mark puts about 50 miles on morning and night. It takes over an hour to make the run.Think of the worse road you know of, then times it by10 and you will have the kind of road Mark has to drive on.

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