Tuesday, April 24, 2012

. . .He Equips!

   As our term with MDS came to a close, we began to look at what other opportunities for long-term volunteer service were out there for us. After prayer and discernment, we decided on Navajo Brethren in Christ Mission (NBICM) in the outskirts of Bloomfield, new Mexico. NBICM was established in 1947 for the purpose of reaching the Navajo People (Dine`h) with the love of Jesus.

   It sounds like we will be doing a lot of different things at the NBICM. Here are some of the things that they said we will probably help with.... working with short-term volunteer groups that come in to do ministry (vacation Bible school, maintenance, etc.); making sure buildings are ready for next team to arrive; helping in the gift shop, mail room, or greeting folks; working in orchard and garden, grounds upkeep, preventive maintenance, etc.

   We will be flying out to New Mexico on Saturday, April 28th. At this point, we are planning to be there until the end of August. If NBICM is a good fit for us, and we feel this is the place that God wants us to be, we could possibly stay longer. Please feel free to look up Navajo Brethren In Christ Mission on the internet, to get a better feel for the ministry. You can also look for it on Google maps to see just how far out in the boonies the mission really is.

     When we were considering going into full-time volunteer service, we wanted to be self-supporting and not have to ask others to help us out. For this assignment, we will have a place to live, however, we are responsible for our own travel and food costs. This is not easy thing for us to do, but we are asking for financial support to help us cover these costs. We are asking that you pray for us, and if as you are praying, the Holy Spirit lays it on your heart to help support us, we would really appreciate it. Contributions, either one time or monthly, should be made out to "Mountain View Fellowship" and sent to Mountain View Fellowship, 1785 Pleasant Stream Rd., Trout Run, PA 17771. Please include a note that this is contribution is for Mark and Tammy Deitrick.

   We would love to hear from you while we are in New Mexico. Our address will be:
   Navajo BIC Mission
   Mark and Tammy Deitrick
   240 HWY 57
   Bloomfield, NM 87413

  Thanks so much for caring,
  Mark and Tammy  

. . . He Equips!

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