Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mark's Crews

January 9 - 13, 2012
Mark's first crew was a good experience.
  They helped disinfect.
             They painted
               and learned how to mud.
Emily and Carmen

January 16 - 28, 2012
The next crew was there for two weeks. What an entertaining bunch.
 You learn to expect the unexpected. Like pretzels showed up in your sandwich and the coffee had a different flavor added to it.
 Lucinda, Marlene, Eva, Eunice

They did a lot of mudding(some on the wall and some on themselves) and sanding.

 Buy the second week Mark had to hand them off to Trudy to paint.

 For a short time Mark worked with Andy to pull wires for Max.

January 30 - February 3, 2012
Mark help a electrician from Saskatchewan, Canada - Art
They are still deciding who was crew boss. Art came back in March with his wife, Edna. They were our Cook's for March.
  This is what you might look like after working with Mark, LOL!

During this week we got to know Peter and Han even though they were not on Mark's crew. But on Saturday they worked together at the Bible Fellowship Church. Sorry Peter and Han I didn't get a picture of you.

February 5 - 10, 2012
 Sam, Murray, Luke, William, Pavel - better known as the
"Manitoba Cowboy"s and Mark
They did a numbers of things. Put down sub flooring, insulated, poly, and sheet rock.

February 12 - 17, 2012
Mark had a brother and sister on this crew. They worked on insulating, poly, and sheet rock.
 Esther   Henry

February 19 - 24, 2012
CMU - Canada Mennonite University
 Matthew, Michelle, Samantha  David

They spended the week mudding.

February 26 - March 2, 2012
Hinkletown Mennonite - They sanded most of the week.

 Jesse, Dan, Clair, and Linda

  Mark showed Dan how to texture the ceiling.

March 4 -9, 2012
 Leroy  James  Sylvan
These guys painted all week and had fun.

March 11 - 16, 2012
One day Mark and Dave work with Gladys and Kristina.

The rest of the week,
  Eldon, Doug, and Bud

March 18 - 23, 2012
Mark and Dave worked with Teresa and Leslie. They did a little of everything, from sanding, hanging plastic so Mark could show Dave how to texture the ceilings. They also did some insulation and poly.
     Teresa   &               Leslie      &             David

March 25 - 30, 2012
River Corner Plus
This was a special week. When we lived in Lancaster, River Corner was the church we went to. Mark and his crew did more insulation, poly, and sheet rocking.
 Mark (having two Mark's on the same crew made it interesting at times)

Thanks to all who came out to Minot this January, Febuary, and March to help MDS. We hope you had as much fun as we did. It was great working with all of you.

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