Friday, April 20, 2012

Tammy's Jobs in Minot for MDS

 I was assistant cook. The head cook was Maria, she had cooked for MDS for a couple of years. Poor Maria, I had never been on MDS before, so she had to train me. Maria put me in charge of the lunch table. I was also to make the dessert and salad for supper. This also met when we went shopping each week I was to get the supplies for these things. Maria wanted homemade cookies for the lunch table. I, most of the time, sub-contracted this out.
My sub-contractor
cookie any one!

Maria and  I went for a lot of walks even at -2 degrees. The cold is different in Minot. It is dry because it only felt like maybe 15 above or more.
One day when we were out shopping for food, Maria decide she wants to wash the van. The only car wash are automatic. It had been a long time since I've been through one and I think Maria said she never was through one. What a blast!


I was assistant cook again with Anieta.  

   We had a good time working together. I took care of the lunch table again. I think we worked pretty good together. I know I had fun.
Anieta had plan ahead and brought with her candles and special cups for a jello dessert for Valentines Day. She sent Grace out to get some flowers. I came up with a couple of ideas. This is what is looked like for supper on February the 14th.
I shoud add here that Esther and Henry on Mark's crew is Anieta's sister and brother.


I wasn't sure what was happening as March began. Art and Edna had come to cook. I had thought I was going to learn the office. But I ended up being of all things, a crew leader. The first week I was sick so I was on Mark's crew and just work part of the days.

 My first crew: March 11 -16, 2012
We had a lot of fun. We painted, stained, and varnished the trim and doors. Lisa had to go home, her dad had to go to the hospital.  Tanya had mention about trying something new, so by Friday we were done with our job. Mark said we could try put down underlayment. So he got us set up. He gave us a course in running the circlular saw and the jig saw.

March 18 - 23, 2012

My next crew was from Iowa. By the end of the week we had painted over 45 gallons of paint,  4 coats of wax on the floor at Bible Fellowship Church. We also help hang plastic on the wall to texture the ceiling.
  This was a great group also. 



 the four of us playing a game!

March 25 - 30, 2012
This crew was from the church Mark and I went to when we lived in Lancaster. We mostly stain and varnished the trim, doors and windows.

 Ron, he also help with clean-up for Kathryn's home blessing.

 Phil, also help with some of the trim work at Kathryn.
It was good to catch up on things with these guys. It was a great week.

Both Mark and I saw God at work in Minot. From sending the right crew for the job that needed to be done that week. To putting the right people with us, to work with. The very warm weather for Minot. He knew we need our church family from River Corner that last week. More of what God did in Minot in post to follow.

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