Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank you for your prayers.  We did not get lost on our sightseeing adventure. Mark is feeling a little better also.  This morning we went to Hubbell's Trading Post.  When we arrived, we walked around the buildings and sawthe following pictures:

I liked the way these buildings reminded me of the old West.  The muzzle loaders (old guns) caught Mark's eye.  He also enjoyed the hand woven Navajo rugs.

 We then traveled about 45 minutes to Canyon de Chelly and took the White House Trail.

It was 2 .5 mile round-trip

Only the beginning

Mark's friend

The signs says ruins with an arrow pointing at Mark!

White House Ruin

It is named for the long wall in the upper dwelling that is covered with white plaster

Built by the ancestral Puebloan people and occupied about 1,000 years ago.

Look up from the bottom!

Going back up! Stopping for a break.

Another break

And another!

It was a lot easier going down!

Let's take a short cut!

Yes, I'm about done in. That brother of mine!

Yes there is light at the end! Almost back to the top!

Some pictures from Sunday!
No! Dad, we didn't go to Salladasburg, PA. 

Back home there is a Speedy's along 287. So we thought this was neat.

My brother, Merrill

This is why it is called Window Rock

With Merrill along, you get both of us in one picture.

The Navajo marines helped in WWII by using their native language as a military code.
This was the only wartime code never broken by the enemy. A movie called Windtalkers is about the Navajo Code Talkers during WWII, but be forewarned, it is rated R.

Mark liked this.  He said it looks like footsteps.

Thank you Merrill, you are a great brother!

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