Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Sisters

Miss Joyce and Miss Vivian are two sisters who Mark and his crew worked on there house by running wire,
insulated, poly,
and sheet rock.
 While working on their home it became well know you get very good treat at 10:00am. The treats sometimes came from a local bakery, fruit, juice, and cookies.

While Mark was working on their home it was getting close to our grandbabies's birthdays and we could not find a t-shirt that said North Dakota. 
Vivian to the rescue! She found them for us.

Mark working on Joyce and Vivian home.

In Minot you will find restaurants that serve something called Kneopla Soup. We never heard of it before and was not brave enough to try it. We come to find out that according to Joyce, Vivian makes the best Kneople Soup. They came to the church and made Kneopla Soup for all of us MDSer's. It was very good! It's something like potato soup with dough ,veggies, and chicken. On the recipe she gave me there is a note I would like to share with you."Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others."

In March they made Tammy a crew leader. Her first week was at Joyce and Vivian's. We stain, varnished, painted the trim and doors.

Lisa                                   Tanya

Thank you Joyce and Vivian for all the goodies, finding us the t-shirts, making the soup for us, etc. We enjoyed working on your home!

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