Tuesday, April 24, 2012

When God Calls . . .

When God Calls....
Hi there,
      We wanted to give you an updated on what has been happening in our lives over the past nine months. We also want to share with about where we feel that the Lord is leading us for the next stage in our lives.

  Back in June of 2011, we read an article in Everance magazine about empty-nesters who quit their jobs and devoted themselves to voluntarily using their gifts of service in ministry.  That same Sunday at our church, we heard a missionary speak.  What stood out to us was the need to step out in faith, and that when God calls, He equips. About that same time, our small group Bible study began a study in determining what our spiritual gifts are, and how we can use them. We began to pray and seek discernment as to whether of not full-time voluntary service was something that we were being called to. We decided to start moving that direction, to see if the doors would be open for us.

   In mid-September Mark made a trip to Minot, North Dakota to take a look at the possibility of working with Mennonite Disaster Service in flood clean-up and rebuilding. The visit was positive, and on December 1st Tammy quit her job at Lowe's. Mark then quit his job on January 1, 2012. On January 5th we flew to Minot, not knowing exactly what was in the store for us.

   During our time three month term in Minot, we were responsible for working with the short term (usually one week) volunteer groups that came to help with clean-up and rebuilding. Tammy spent a lot time in the kitchen getting meals ready, and setting things out for folks to pack their lunches. Every once in a while she would get out of the kitchen and help with preparing trim work. She even supervised a work crew. Mark was a crew leader the whole time. His job was to keep the short term volunteer teams supplied, instructed, and busy. He also took care of the tool trailer, making sure that all the tools were returned and were in working condition.

   Our three months were filled with challenges and satisfaction. The challenges came from dealing with all the various personalities that we encountered with the different groups that came in. City life and being away from family also provided challenges for us. Our satisfaction came in being able to help the flood victims, and to show them God's love through using our gifts to help them.

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