Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Muffin Lady

Miss Jean
 Casper is Jean's dog. He is very protective. You always called before going to work on the house or you would be giving blood.

Miss Jean story is a little different. She is not the homeowner. The homeowner is her father-in-law. Jean is the one run to get the supplies, baking muffins every morning by 10:00 break, and many other things. Not what most of us would do for our father-in-law.

According to Mark the apple muffins are the best. Then the blueberry muffins come in second. The lemon/poppy would have been better without the lemon.

 Mark pulling wires at Jean's

Putting plastic on the wall to get ready for texturing the ceilings.

 Mark and David getting ready to texture the ceilings.

 Getting ready to paint.

Jean, you are a very special person!
Thanks for the Muffins!

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