Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our Month at Home . . . . Part 1

We came home for the month of April. The Grandkids were happy to see us. They came to pick us up at the airport. They had made signs and were all giggles. They kept us busy for the first 18 days.
We would meet half way along Route 15 to trade kids (one at a time works best for us). It is a nice rest stop.
Yes! It is Still April!

Our Little Climber

Our Little Beach Bum

Rachel, the talker!

Caleb likes the water, also

The next thing we did when they came North. We work the ground for potatoes and sweet corn.
Jessie's turn

Ya! It's Rachel's turn

Caleb first time!

A Born Natural

Setting on the tractors is fun too!

Part 2 coming soon!

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