Monday, April 23, 2012

Sightseeing Outside of Minot

The following pictures are outside of Minot, all with in an hour of driving.

It can be very windy.
Yes, that is a pick-up out on the ice!

Frozen white-caps!

Something from the past

something today

We got a card for our anniversary from someone in our home church. In the card she wrote a note saying her husband was born and lived the first 13 years in Kenmare,ND.
So one Saturday we drove to Kenmare. It is about 50 miles from Minot.

We knew you can't visit (or live for 3 months) North Dakota without seeing buffalo!

While we where there they got more!

..... or a rodeo!

We enjoyed our time outside the city!
( The rodeo was in the city and we enjoyed that very much,also)

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