Saturday, April 14, 2012

Questions people usually ask?

1) What happen in Minot, ND that MDS would be there?
Answer: A very large flood, back in June 2011 - For more information go to this site
There was not much on the news about the flood. Some said the Canada cause the flood, but even though there are dams in Canada, it was the USA that decide how much water is left through. Minot just came through a winter of over 100 inches of snow that didn't melt  until spring. Also a rain storm that put down more rain then what they get all year long.

2)Why would you want to go there? Are you crazy! North Dakota in the winter! You will freeze!!
Answer: We wanted to go where MDS might have a hard time getting volunteers.We wanted to go where God could use us.
Answer about freezing: when we flew in it was 60 degrees F, the same when we flew out on March 30. Only 2 days it was -15, with the wind chill at -30 or -40 below zero. Most days the temperature was somewhere between 15 - 20. We know it was  not a normal North Dakota Winter. A blessing from God for the people in Minot and MDS.

for more flood pictures look up Souris River Minot ND map.

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